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>> Enter the contents of the privacy policy to use when writing the inquiry.
>> Settings menu location: Administrator > Registration management > Inquiry related settings

KORETOVIET (hereinafter referred to as "Company") values the privacy of users and makes every effort to protect the personal information provided to the company online while using the company's services (hereinafter referred to as "service" or "KORETOVIET").In response, the company complies with the privacy regulations and the privacy guidelines established by the Ministry of Information and Communication, including the Communications Secrets Protection Act, the Telecommunications Business Act, and the Information and Communication Network Utilization Promotion and Information Protection Act.The company informs users of the personal information provided by the users through the privacy policy in what purpose and method is used and what actions are taken to protect personal information.The company is taking measures to make it easier for users to see the privacy policy by disclosing it on the first screen of the website.

The company's personal information protection policy can be changed from time to time due to changes in the government's laws and guidelines or changes in the company's internal policies, and the procedures necessary for continuous improvement of the company's personal information protection policy are stipulated.In addition, when the privacy policy is revised, the company notifies the revised privacy policy through KORETOVIET notice seven days before the implementation of the change in the privacy policy and gives the users a version number and date of revision so that they can easily recognize the revised information.

KORETOVIET's privacy policy includes the following.

A. Consent on personal information collection
B. Purpose of collecting and using personal information
D. Personal information items and methods collected by KORETOVIET
D. The period of possession and use of personal information collected by KORETOVIET
Ma. Sharing and providing personal information collected by KORETOVIET
(f) Matters concerning personal information management (reading, correction, deletion, etc.) of the user;
(g) Matters concerning the operation of cookies;
Ah. Technical and administrative measures related to personal information
Well. Consignment of personal information
(c.) Matters concerning the collection of opinions and handling of complaints related to personal information;
(c) Matters concerning the protection of children's information;
Other. KORETOVIET's personal information management manager and person in charge-name and contact information
PA. NAVER Customer Center Guide
ha. obligations of notice

A. Consent on personal information collection

The company considers that the users agreed to collect personal information by clicking the "Agree" button or "Cancel" button for the contents of the company's privacy policy or terms and conditions.

B. Purpose of collecting and using personal information

"Personal information" refers to information about a living individual that can be easily identified in combination with other information, even if the information cannot identify a particular individual by name or resident registration number included in the information.

Most KORETOVIET services can be used at any time without a separate user registration.However, the company collects personal information of users to provide better quality services, including customized services, through member services (logging based services currently provided or provided in the future, such as mail, Naver phone, cafe, blog, desktop, photo album, and mystalk) and Junior Naver and Arc Road.

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